23 January 2025

Solomon Burke and De Dijk


Co-operation out of thousands

De Dijk is a Dutch band so good that they became a standard

In 2007  Solomon Burke, the man who just about invented Soul Music, shared the stage of the (former) Heineken Music Hall with De Dijk. Soul music is one of the pillars of De Dijk, so this became an incredibly beautiful coöperation.

Solomon was charmed by De Dijks performance that night. That is amazing because their lead singer Huub van der Lubbe is a life long admirer of mr. Burke. De Dijk asked mr Burke to perform on a song that was released on their album Brussel: “Het Moet En Het Zal (Enough Is Enough) in 2oo8. That song became a cd-single (see underneath).

That release in its turn was followed by the project where Solomon sings translated lyrics of De Dijk, of course backed by the band. This album is titled: “Hold On Tight” and was released in 2010 (link to my vinyl album re-release on Discogs).

With for me the wonderful highlight “Good For Nothing”, original in Dutch ” Nergens Goed Voor”.

De Dijk – “Nergens Goed Voor” / De Dijk featuring Solomon Burke – “Good For Nothing”

Huub did not participate with the vocal part, out of respect. In his words: ” What should I do, trying to outdo the great Solomon Burke, the man I admire since I was a kid”?


A concert should have been next in line, of course in Paradiso Amsterdam. A former church, that matches mr. Burkes work. Solomon is besides his career as a Soul and R&B singer also lifelong a preacher. Then disaster strikes. On his way to Amsterdam mr. Burke dies, having just been arrived on a flight from LA. Solomon Burke died at the age of 70 and his family states a natural cause of death. He leaves a treasure in music. Among which also the album with De Dijk. A really good one.

The planned concert of De Dijk together with Solomon Burke was changed to a last honor to Solomon. A celebration, a sort of homecoming. A beautiful gesture in consultation with the family Burke.


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